Learning 2.0 has increased flexibility & learner empowerment.
Learning 2.0 is multi-dimensional and much lower technology skills required to be a learning developer.
Learning 2.0 presents the wisdom of the masses, not just the "anointed few". Learners create the structure and relationships between the content for themselves, rank and rate content.
My saying was that an elearning project is never completed, just delivered. Web 2.0 promotes this even more. Let users build courses. Video submissions of best practices. What about promotion for major roll-outs like Microsoft office 2007. Chrysler has a You Tube competition. Wikis, blogs can be used by learners to add content.
Traditional courseware has not had the impact on retention of learning that was hoped for. Learning 2.0 typically shorter, provides a point of need response. Will this have a better impact?
Can we adapt to putting learning content on devices that are available at all times? Should we convert existing courses? or use Learning 2.0 methods, podcasts, blogs, text messages so you can access learning where you are and when you have downtime.
We are social creatures and learning is social activity.
Highest retention - Teaching others
Biggest value from learning - Debriefs
Identify true subject matter experts
Gartner says "Enterprise social software will be the biggest new workplace technology success story of this decade."
Cultural drivers for Learning 2.0
Talent shortage (as boomers retire)
Millennials leave and breath technology-over 50% of workforce knows technology inside and out
Intel - Employee Wiki to share Intel information with other employees
20,000 articles in less than 2 years
200,000 page views per day
They have gotten 20,000 articles some from employees who may be retiring. Way to capture disappearing company product knowledge.
People like to share their knowledge.
Cisco - created an internal wiki to develop new business ideas
400 business ideas to date
10,000 employees then added their ideas
3 new markets opportunities developed - $3 billion that might not have been made
Employees empowered to help develop revenue. Employees have greater involvement, longer retention.
Ace Hardware - Platform for dealers to share & seek information. Find rarely requested items, merchandising display strategies, business customer sales leads
Increased 500% ROI in 6 months
Are these training, or knowledge management, or online support. Yes!
Hey Jennifer,
Thanks for the great comments about the webinar. I'm glad you found it useful. I like your mini-bio. I've been doing eLearning since it was CBT too, and like you, I've been pretty disappointed at where we're at. I'm very excited about Learning 2.0 and community technologies, though, to take us in a new direction and fulfill some of the promise of eLearning and EPSS.
Thanks Dave, the contact from mzinga said we would have a lot in common. I looked at Knowledge Planet when I was with DirecTV a few years ago. If you ever came out to El Segundo to speak with them, maybe we met.
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