Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Leading Attorneys to Training

What's one of the most difficult things to do? Train employees who don't come to class and won't take the online courses. For law firms, attorneys are the hardest to get to take training. Even one-on-one training cuts into billable hours. Can eLearning 2.0 tools help us provide training to attorneys and other employees too busy for training? Definitely!

Let's look at some of these tools and how they can be used for training the elusive attorney.

Podcasts are audio or video files that can be downloaded to personal mp3 devices like iPods. They can then be viewed or listened to at the learner's convenience; commuting, working out, standing in line at the grocery store.

How can podcasts be used for training? Engaging short pieces which motivate users to come to training. Rationale for why a new technology is important to the firm. Success stories from respected senior partners. Introduce new technology. Can be used for CLE courses. Unfortunately for technology training, the size of video podcasts makes it a poor screen for representing computer screens.

Blogs or blawgs as legal blogs are called are sites where people can create their own online journals. Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject; others function as more personal online diaries. Blogs are archivable and searchable. They can be used to provide short training lessons on specific topics. They could be messages from the technology partners regarding what the technology plans are and how the technology will benefit the firm.

RSS Feeds are often found on blawgs. They allow you to subscribe to the blog and get updates sent to your RSS reader or e-mail address.

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